Booking and Membership Forms
Please note that whereas booking and membership forms were previously included as inserts in WECS Wardrobe, as a result of our new arrangement with the printers, this will no longer be the case. Instead, members who are on email will receive them by that means and members who are not on email will receive them separately by post.
Nevertheless, bookings and membership application/renewal can always be made via this website.
Welcome to the West of England Costume Society
We are a group of fashion and costume enthusiasts with varied levels of knowledge of the history and study of fashion, costume, accessories and textiles.
Based in and around Bath, our events have included themed study days with talks and discussions led by academics and practitioners, visits to collections, workshops, factories and online presentations.
Our events are open to all, but take a look at the benefits of annual membership.
Have a look around the site, and do contact us if you have any questions.